pdq deploy windows updates

Standardized hyperlink display properties. The Downloaded column in the Package Library now populates immediately following an auto download. Added the Package Description to the list of schedules. Download History now displays the proper download types whether downloading for the first time or approving a new version. Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get some help forcing feature updates through PDQ using the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant application. Fixed a bug in the Package Library update window when selecting multiple items. Collections like we are talking about for the context of this post, which machines do not have the latest cumulative update? Finished? Fixed an issue where refreshing the main window would cause the deployment list to lose its selected rows. I have done what this post mentioned via PDQ and it works pretty well, the only thing I don't like is the lack of a status bar. Go ahead. Fixed an issue deleting folders with nested items. Choose your targets for the deployment. Fixed an issue when where importing a folder to the top of the tree wouldn't show until refresh. While downloading from the Package Library, the Package folder is missing the waiting icon. Background Service, Central Server, Credentials, Console Users, and Variables moved out of Preferences to the new Options menu. It really is that simple! Steps in deployments timed out when the package included a copy step before and after a reboot step. There we have it. Manually starting a schedule was not shifting focus to the deployment. Improved the speed of aborting deployments. Download packages set to manual approval were not listed in the Update tab of the Package Library until after a console refresh. Pre-built packages for feature updates are not available in the PDQ Deploy package library. This fires off at 8PM for all machines. As this data is returned, computers will automatically be distributed among dozens of pre-built containers that filter for computers that match certain criteria, including containers filtering for Windows updates. Fixed an additional issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. YouTube Video VVVyeGNXdHBkMUlHSEc5UmJEXzkzODBBLlU3enJsREY3WEhV. You can view the changelog here. Create new package to copy folder to PC, then next step is command with the following: C:\WinUpgrades\Win1021H2\setup.exe /auto upgrade /migratedrivers all /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /DynamicUpdate disable /Telemetry Disable. The Disable Splash Screen checkbox in Preferences wasn't staying checked, even though the Splash Screen was disabled. Step 2 - Command. Fixed an issue with downloading from the package library with certain proxy servers. Added link to edit nested package from within nesting package. Launching PowerShell from Help > Open Elevated PowerShell Prompt would occasionally not work as intended. Free up deployment threads by moving targets waiting on Wake-On-LAN (WOL) to a separate queue. Versions over 18.1. PDQ Deploy works with PDQ Inventory in that it uses the collections created in Inventory as the groupings it can use to actually deploy software. Improved connection to Active Directory domains using domain controllers. And while you're not wrong, you're not right either. Performance improvements in console start up. In this screenshot, you can see the different containers my computers have been grouped into. Changing the appearance of package icons works as expected. I'm trying to go from 20H2 to 21H1, and the 20H2 (current build) already has the latest windows updates installed.I'm also trying to go from x64 to x64, and Enterprise to Enterprise. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. With PDQ Deploy, you have access to our package library, which is jam-packed with hundreds of pre-built application packages, including Windows updates. Fixed an issue where the upgrade could reset the background service credentials to Local System. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. Improved performance on integration to PDQ Inventory. How can you automate Windows patching without WSUS Server and do this effectively? Whenexportingpackages, folders, or target lists, the type of file is identified in the Save as type field. So you'll never be able to see PCs that are fully patched. While running a deployment, the copy status on the main deployment panel now provides the percent copied as well as the copy speed. PowerShell (.ps1) Visual Basic (.vbs) I got tried of running windows update manually against MSFT when SCCM fails or when you want to deploy a new workstation and you need to run windows Update. To download from Package Library to your local Packages folder you now use the Import feature. Fixed issue with proxy server prompting for credentials at start up. Improved testing of credentials for external domains. There's also PDQ Connect , our new standalone agent-based solution, that connects and deploys to Windows machines directly over the internet and it's . Monthly Rollup updates are similar to Cumulative updates. Improved thePost Deployment Notificationto include target computer information in the email body. Fixed an issue exporting some data to XLSX format. Improved main window tree with multiple selection. Updating to new version creates backup of database in database directory. Scan, collect, and organize your machines so deployments go exactly where you need them. Improved organizing of items in the Main window, including placing items in any order. The Cancel Download button on the Package Library works again. I can check to see if they have the latest updates in PDQ Inventory by expanding Collection Library > Windows Updates > Workstations > Windows 10 and then expanding the containers of the various operating systems in my environment. Mine is with PDQ, but extra the ISO for version to a folder on PDQ server. Removed the import package .xml file size limit. Improved performance of auto sorting a large folder. Nested Package Steps now include the option to use the Run As option of the parent package or the nested package. Fixed approval time conflicts with Auto Download packages and Auto Download preferences. Fixed the 'Concurrent Targets per Deployment' to honor selections different than the default value. Added the ability to use Deploy Once and Redeploy for Auto Deployments. Added the ability to edit Auto Deployment properties and add any step type before and/or after the Auto Deployment runs. The packages will begin to download into your Packages directory. Release builds are our most rigorously tested and contain new features and bug fixes. Attempting to pick a directory in the File Copy step would occasionally trigger an error. Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. The default credentials are now known as default Deploy User. Fixed using local credentials with computers specified by IP address. Added ability to deploy a single attached package when right clicking a schedule. Fixed a problem which sometimes required deployments to be aborted twice. What you do need to do is to download the PDQ git for their powershell scanners, specifically the one for Windows Updates. Fixed an issue with approving updates to the WinSCP package. Install and Command step additional files can now contain environment variables. Added Duplicate menu option to duplicate selected Package or Target List. Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows. Add Package Library page to Preferences window. It is nice for slow links. Fixed an issue where redeploying from deployment status window would not use changes in package. Because we're sysadmins, too. (Enterprise Mode). Allow multiple steps to be enabled/disabled in the Package window. Manually starting a scheduled deployment would occasionally display a blank error message. Admin Arsenal is now officially PDQ.com! Then leverage deploy with the proper powershell one liners to download/install the KBs. Fixed the ability to attach the same package to the same schedule more than once. Fixed an issue preventing deployments from using the setting on the package for Run as Local System. Fixed an issue with the display of deployment step numbers when nested more than one deep. And I'm not alone in my frustrations. Fixed an issue with downloading from the package library with certain proxy servers. Added a File Copy step to packages. Fixed issue linking to All Computers in PDQ Inventory. 4th: Now we need some PDQ jobs. Fixes to a couple of icons which weren't displaying correctly. Fixed an issue where access to the registry might cause a crash. Added GetPackageNames and GetSchedules to the CLI commands. Windows updates are the epitome of "can't live with them, can't live without them." Success Code 2359302 added for use in the Install Step. Deploy custom or prebuilt software packages, automate IT tasks, and manage your devices from the cloud. Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline settings to more reliably determine when the target has come online. Improved wording on confirmation dialogs for clarity. Also, don't forget to check the Include Entire Directory box. Fixed an issue where the package definition couldn't be exported from the package page. It's another thing entirely to keep track of them. I've also completely disabled UAC just in case, and made sure to bypass the execution policy, etc. - Made sure servers and workstations have up-to-date software through PDQ Deploy and Inventory. Added warning icon to newly created Auto Deployments until all necessary package files have been downloaded. Added keyboard shortcuts to Redeploy (Ctrl+R) and Redeploy to Failed (Ctrl+Shift+R). PDQ Deploy was not recognizing targets in PDQ Inventory that were resolved using NetBIOS instead of DNS. The Downloaded column in the Package Library now populates immediately following an auto download. The ability to choose a profile from the drop-down in the Print Preview window has been restored. Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed. Fixed issue with proxy server prompting for credentials at start up. In Preferences, removed Mail Notifications and consolidated it to theMail Serverpage. Improved handling additional files in Command Step when Copy Mode is set to Pull. We also have Group Policy to block automatic updates. This will ensure that the update will be carried out quietly. In Free mode, downloading from the Updates tab of the Package Library works as expected. https://www.pdq.com/pdq-deploy/https://www.pdq.com/package-library/Cumulative and Monthly Rollup Updates Auto Sort works correctly when containing multiple folders. Fixed an issue with re-using credentials when deploying to failed targets. Removed the default Install Step of a new Package. A full patched PC will return a null value, and the scanner will record it as a blank entry), PCs with any Office updates: Any > Powershell Scanner > Title > Contains > Office. Subscriptions for Pro Mode authenticate with license key and no longer need email address and password. The deployment kicks off. Occasionally, editing the email notifications would cause the console to close. Fixed an issue where deployments could get stuck in the Queuing state. Download History now displays the proper download types whether downloading for the first time or approving a new version. Scan After Deployment will now scan each target after it is successful in a deployment instead of waiting for all targets to finish. Born in the '80s and raised by his NES, Brock quickly fell in love with everything tech. Ability to select a package from within the Deploy Once window. Make a 3 step PDQ Deploy job. In the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, we And you can also customize whole process with powershell module through scripts - it's where you don't need WSUS or PDQ. Fixed a problem which sometimes required deployments to be aborted twice. Fixed an issue where the Background Service credentials may not be updated correctly. Client mode no longer needs to re-enter the license information when upgrading or renewing the license. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 come in two distinct flavors: Monthly Rollup and Security-only updates. Selecting and downloading the needed Windows Update package Added new Performance setting: \ Addresses in Name Resolution. Once you have finished adding all of your target computers, click Deploy Now. Long running deployments would sometimes result in an incomplete schedule notification. Package Library Package updates are now visible to Free users. Bonus Flashback: April 17, 1967: Surveyor 3 Launched (Read more HERE.) Added option to run processes as the logged on user. Fixed issue with displaying of copy % after step 1. The Updates section of the Package Library now sorts by modified date by default. The Deploy Once window occasionally would not recognize PDQ Inventory targets. PDQ Deploy was not recognizing targets in PDQ Inventory that were resolved using NetBIOS instead of DNS. Schedule times display in the correct 12hr or 24hr format to match the OS settings. The Schedule Details panel now accurately displays the 'Stop after. Computers that are offline are now put into the Retry Queue when 'Ping before deployment' is selected. Run packages as option moved from Credentials to Deployments. If you get a list of updates (or Return code: 0), then you're good as far as that install goes. Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error. Meaning, you won't have to go out and manually download the newest Windows 10 update package every month. Warning added if you attempt to delete the Console User you are currently using. As always, PDQ.com is here to make the lives of our fellow sysadmins easier. The "expires" date is now shown in the Trigger column of the Schedule window. Exporting Preferences would not export changes to the default Auto Download settings. Windows 10 Deploying Windows 10 Feature Update Using PDQ Deploy Posted by AshleyLewisMS on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:07 AM Needs answer Windows 10 General Windows Imaging, Deployment, & Patching Hi All, I'm in the process of trying to deploy and update our Windows 10 clients from one version to the next. Okay, now that we know all about the different versions of Windows updates and their little nuances, let check out just how easy it is to deploy them with PDQ Deploy. Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements. Deploying to a schedule that is linked to a PDQ Inventory collection would sometimes deploy to additional targets. In Preferences >License, the Enterprise User label is now referred to as Enterprise Activation. All rights reserved. Out-of-band Updates: Out-of-band updates are updates that are released outside of the normal Patch Tuesday release Window. Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. Issues with shared packages being edited by the other console computer. RIGHT?!?! Fixed possible error when starting due to invalid %TEMP% path. Fixed computer target importing to not not allow computer names with invalid characters. Fixed an issue preventing reboot steps from properly reconnecting. Open the Computer page in PDQ Inventory from the All Deployments page, Deployments tab of the Package page, Deployment Status window, and the Target History tab of the Schedule window. So automating your updates can help you recover a lot of your time. The first thing we need to do is go to PDQ Inventory and see which servers need the latest cumulative update. I tried with 20 sets of exactly cloned Dell lappy of same model, 10 using LAN and 10 using wireless..all 10 took different lengths of time. Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed. Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages. Fixed integration issue with Inventory 3.0 Beta and Wake-on-LAN. Those should give you some ideas of what you can do. C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Audit. Upgraded Auto Deployments now use the correct icon. Multi-package schedules were deploying packages out of order. Ultimate Pi-hole configuration guide, SSL certificates, automatic updates, automatic sync, more! A lot of PCs will just be able to do an EZ "Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force", but I ran into some issues with nuget being old and missing C++. Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. Open up PDQ Deploy and select the Packag e Library. Fixed an issue when exporting Target Lists inside of a folder. Fixed integration issue with Inventory 3.0 Beta and Wake-on-LAN. is great for a small-to-medium sized enterprise that has a fairly small IT department but needs far more control of tickets than just email and spreadsheets. Hi Experts, Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules. Mind blown. PowerShell steps no longer add a single space that was preventing the use of signatures. The Deploy Once and Deploy Computer Status windows are now non-modal. I've set it up about every way I can think (as an install, run with switches via a batch, run with switches via PowerShell, etc.) You can find out more about scheduled deployments here. You now can monitor the progress of the deployment process. Added Message Step to Packages (Pro mode). The Package Library now includes a column for the download size. The Updates section of the Package Library now sorts by modified date by default. Fixed performance issue where database file size would grow very large and slow down the console. Moving multiple items in the Main Console Tree was not retaining the order of items selected. Improved performance of sorting large folders. Added Architecture (64/32-bits) column to Package Library Packages. Added the ability to deploy multiple packages without having to create a nested package or schedules using the new. You need to hear this. A restart of both background services for PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory may be required for proper integration. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). Added ability to Deploy packages or steps the Deployment User in Interactive Mode. Set it to scan on a schedule. $d = "c:\win10exe" In his free time, Brock enjoys adventuring with his wife, kids, and dogs, while dreaming of retirement. Latest releases Release builds are our most rigorously tested and contain new features and bug fixes. The tab header in a schedule now shows an error icon when an error exists within that tab. Added 32/64-bit conditions to Package Steps. Download button renamed to Import. Client mode no longer needs to re-enter the license information when upgrading or renewing the license. I'll wait. Attempting to delete a schedule attached to Auto Deployments was not working as intended. When using schedules via the CLI, computer names are no longer case sensitive. We have some users with specific software that has been broken a few times in the past by automatic updates. To do this, simple type Windows 10 ISO (or Windows 11 ISO if you're using Windows 11) into Google, and it'll come back with a link that says Download Windows 10 (or 11) Disc Image (ISO File) - Microsoft. Each package in the Deployment - Full Details report now starts on its own page. I'm running the installation from the C: drive, and I've also tried the Windows 10 Update Assistant - which gives the same option. Use the download links below to access the latest versions for each category. Preferences window can now reset to default and import/export most settings. 89 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more. Lets look at how we would deploy Windows Updates with PDQ Deploy. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. Added the ability to deploy multiple packages without having to create a nested package or schedules using the newMultiple Packages page. I'm in the process of trying to deploy and update our Windows 10 clients from one version to the next. Fixed sorting of schedules by the Schedule column. You can opt-out in Preferences > Logging. There is no "stable" status bar for windows update as each update for each machine takes different amount of time. I'm not going to step through that part because there's plenty of documentation on it. Schedule times display in the correct 12hr or 24hr format to match the OS settings. 'Server is not running' error occurring in connection to certain versions of .NET. Start a free 14-day trial of PDQ Deploy and Inventory to get started. Fixed an issue with upgrading the wrong version of the remote repair tool. The file picker button on the Command Step occasionally opened to the wrong package. You don't have PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory? They went on to create tools to suit smaller and medium-sized businesses, and then expanded again to the enterprise level. Removed ability to reorganize panels in Deployments page. shining in these parts. Improved main window tree with multiple selection. Deploying with a custom admin share now works as expected. Issues with sorting during a running deployment has been fixed. Deleting steps in a package occasionally resulted in the step numbers being displayed incorrectly. Added Warning icons when required fields in Mail Server preferences are empty. Fixed an issue connecting to certain AD domains. For all of these jobs, set the post install scan to be the powershell scan to check for updates. . Navigate to the folder of the PowerShell Scanner you want, such as C:\PowerShell-Scanners\PowerShell Scanners\Mapped Drives. Various other bugs, including locking issues in regard to Central Server. Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error. Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files. 1st: We need to install the PSWindowsUpdate module, https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSWindowsUpdate/ New option in Install Step for Installation Requires Source. Direct link to the Output Log in the Deployment Computer List and More Info window when encountering an error with a step. Download the installation media for 2004, run the executable, create a ISO Mount iso and copy files to repository Create a pdq deploy package (select folder with extracted iso files) Create command (C:\folder\2004\setup.exe /auto upgrade /migratedrivers all /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /Telemetry Disable) Set timeout to 120 minutes Added ability to start a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. If you dont have the required patches installed, this can lead to a very dangerous security vulnerabilities in your environment. It took me a long time to finally get a good working solution to this, so I wanted to try to aggregate a lot of information into one post. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. Added ability to Deploy packages or steps the Deployment User in Interactive Mode. Collect output and MSI log files for Command and Install Steps. Various bug fixes and performance improvements. This step allows you to natively copy files to target computers. The Computer Details sidebar has been renamed to Target Details. Fixed bug that could cause the database upgrade to fail if there was invalid data in the old database. The "expires" date is now shown in the Trigger column of the Schedule window. Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Once you automate your deployments, you won't even need to lift a pinky finger to get your deployments out on time. Copy: C:\DCMITFiles\TempInstallFiles\1709 I've come to realize that I have a serious love-hate relationship with Windows updates. It's like the circle of life, but with Windows updates! In schedules, sometimes the Heartbeat trigger would be locked to Enterprise users. Fixed an issue with heartbeat schedules using multiple PDQ Inventory Collections as targets that contained the same computers. You'll get information back on the operating system, installed applications, hardware, users, services, and so much more. Fixed issue which could result in duplicate Packages. Attempting to pick a directory in the File Copy step would occasionally trigger an error. Reboot step status reflects accurate run time. Fixed an issue with heartbeat schedules using multiple PDQ Inventory Collections as targets that contained the same computers. Auto Download Approvals work without having to refresh the console when the package is moved into a different folder. Improved performance of sorting large folders. Added Sharing page to Preferences window. Tooltips on the variables button will display the current value of any Custom and System Variables used. Packages created from the PDQ Inventory Run Command window now follow correct naming conventions. Fixed an issue with changing the order of items in the main window. Conditions for Windows XP, Server 2003 R2, and Server 2003 were removed. PDQ Deploy on the other hand is the vehicle to actually deploy software in your environment. (This is where the default Auto Approve policy can be set.). Description field included in Target Lists. You can install updates with just PDQ Deploy, configured with dynamic collections in PDQ Inventory, without WSUS or powershell module. Added a download in process icon to the Package folder in the tree. If so, then ignore this. Ability to delete a computer's history from all schedules from the. Setting the 'Once' Schedule Trigger in the past now displays visual warnings in the schedule itself and on the All Schedules page. Automatic backup of the databases added to Preferences. Fixed an issue with start and run time showing for computers in deployments. Fixed a bug preventing filters from finding certain nested objects. Subscribe to our channel to view our weekly webcast on YouTube, We've assembled over 100 common IT terms to help you learn the basics quickly. (To update the taskbar icon, launch PDQ from the updated desktop icon). Start-Process -FilePath $exe -ArgumentList /quiet /skipeula /auto upgrade /dynamicupdate enable /copylogs $d. Issue with Repository cleanup causing the console to freeze after excluding a folder. Computers will now use their short (NetBIOS) name when their long host name doesn't resolve. Windows Server 2019 has been added to the O/S Version Conditions. Fixed issues pertaining to 'net.pipe' error messages and included more information about the error. Made change to allow importing from Spiceworks 7.4.00065 and later. Occasionally, the console would freeze when unused for a long period of time. Variables are no longer duplicated upon upgrade. Sorting issue when choosing target computers from Inventory now a thing of the past. The Repository path now includes a button to access Variables. Target computers are randomized in deployments. Fixed an issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. Fixed an issue reading group names from Spiceworks 7. local_offer Action1 star 4.8 flag Report 0 of 1 found this helpful thumb_up thumb_down Jeff124 New contributor pimiento Sep 5th, 2019 at 9:31 AM The installer for Windows10Upgrade9252.exe drops the files into c:\$GetCurrent Improved wording on confirmation dialogs for clarity. Improved updating the console with deployment status. What's that? Fixed an issue where the deployment status window wasn't updating. Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows. To create a nested package steps now include the option to use Deploy Once and Deploy computer Windows! Of PDQ Deploy users ( Enterprise ) with everything tech this post, which machines do have... Launched ( Read more here. ) a copy step would occasionally not work as intended console... File copy step before and after a reboot step different than the default Auto packages. 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