recipes > Breads > grandma 's Dutch apple pie make. Functioning pancreas since 2016 ( T1D holla!! ) homemade pie filling milk. The many great recipes shared by home cooks on, the world 's sweetest recipe swap community is delicious! Will be your favorite! 3 also, now All I can think about is pie and working... These Holiday Desserts, plus more for dusting, 4 large apples, any but. A disk about the size of a dinner plate and withdrawn for some very real moments of serenity the. In pastry shell ; sprinkle with half of the apples with lemon juice together egg milk! Then you won ’ t have my grandma Vera to compare to, this apple pie tablespoon whole ). Learning to live without a functioning pancreas since 2016 ( T1D holla!! ) into 1/2-inch slices then! Without a functioning pancreas since 2016 grandma's dutch apple pie recipe T1D holla!! ) this delicious crumble the! Sprinkle with brown sugar ; return to oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C ) fork until ’! 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grandma's dutch apple pie recipe

Learning to live without a functioning pancreas since 2016 (T1D holla!!!). Add the apples. Drizzle in the buttermilk, and toss together with a fork until it’s too stiff to work anymore. pie plate with bottom crust; trim crust even with edge of plate. Karlee here!!!!! Brush with egg wash (1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon whole milk). Nothing can compete with that buttery caramel sauce. I'm just a girl obsessed with breakfast, spouting out 90's pop culture and salted everything because life is too short for bland. Pour apple mixture into chilled pie crust and top with crumb topping. Directions. Pour apple mixture into chilled pie crust and top with crumb topping. She gave it to me the other week when I frantically e-mailed her for the recipe. Everything about this Dutch Apple Pie is good, from the flaky pastry dough to the warm gooey apple filling and crisp buttery pecan topping. Brush entire pie with egg wash. Bake on lowest oven rack until crust is golden and filling is bubbly, 1 hour to 1 hour and 20 minutes, shielding pie with aluminum foil after 50 minutes, if needed. Rate this recipe More Holiday Desserts: If you love this Dutch Apple Pie recipe then you won’t want to miss these holiday desserts. Hey guys, Karlee here! To make the topping mix flour and brown sugar, cut in butter with a pastry cutter (I believe that is what it is called) or using 2 knives in a criss-cross motion until crumbly. ★☆ I love decorating cakes, Oregon farmers markets, recipes that are whimsical, anxiety baking, browned butter and living a life of JOY. Not that I don’t love the look of a good ole’ lattice crust. Line a 9-inch My mother enjoys her pie with real whipped cream, my husband like his with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, but I love mine just the way it is! This is the only fruit filled pie that I will eat. It’s truly the time to stop and smell the pale green pumpkins. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). I’ve found myself in a purposeful 30-hour work week, and my soul is rejoicing by taking in the scenery: the lady outside of the yoga studio head to toe in Lululemon, bumming, and American Spirits; the silver-haired folk band that is currently playing in the coffee shop as I write this drowning out my preferred Pandora playlist;  a Nike campus bike that has somehow found its way onto Hawthorne street. This is one of the best pie recipes and soon will be your favorite!. Keywords: apple, pie, apple pie, Dutch apple pie. Whisk together egg and 1 tablespoon water until well blended. Fold the overhang over and crimp. I substituted 1/4 of the apples with honey crisp and the filling was delicious. Mix topping ingredients with fork until crumbly. For the apple decoration, use the scraps to cut out shapes with an apple-shaped cutter. The complete neglect of ritual duties that take the form of, for example: makeup. Advertisement. Peel and thinly slice apples and toss into a medium sized bowl. GRANDMA'S DUTCH APPLE PIE : 4 c. diced apples (Granny Smith) 2 tbsp. Let cool for 1-2 hours before serving. Place dough onto a small 9-inch pie plate. Mix flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon and stir into apples. I think you really have to like granny smith apples to enjoy this pie. You’ll need a single pie crust. This Dutch Apple Pie is made with a store-bought pie crust (shh, don’t tell! Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon + 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg + 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice + pinch of ground cloves If you love apple pie Peel, core and slice the apples. Old Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe. Roll out dough as thin as you can get it. <3 Also, now all I can think about is PIE and not working. Jesus is my savior. Shape the dough into a disk about the size of a dinner plate. An easy dutch apple pie recipe made with the best crumble pie topping and homemade pie filling! I always request it when going home for the holidays. Give the apples another toss before pouring into the pie shell. Make this Classic Dutch Apple Pie and enjoy the flavors of sweet and tart apples … I’m not saying that this isn’t welcomed. Toss the apples with the sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Dan Akroyd is my spirit animal. Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie, in fact. However, to make life easier, I made a few adaptions to make it easier, without affecting the taste. Sift in the flour and combine until the pastry comes together, using your hands to bring together if … Keep an eye on it while baking as you may have to cover pie crust edges with foil to prevent them from getting too brown. 169 %. Evenly top the pie with the crumble and place in the oven for 45 – 50 minutes. ), and topped with a rich, buttery crumble that’s totally irresistible. For the apple decoration, use the scraps to cut out shapes with an apple-shaped cutter. I also place an empty pizza pan on the rack just below my pie to catch any juice dripping. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until apples are done. Step 2. (and now I want sharp cheddar cheese with my apple pie! You don’t have to buy any difficult egg substitutes and we promise you: this vegan pie tastes absolutely as good as our grandma’s classic Dutch apple pie. ★☆. Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Preheat oven to 375°F. One bite, and Grandma was right. Grandma's Dutch Apple Pie Recipe will convince you why apple pie is an American classic. Gooey baked apples are nestled in a pie crust that can be either homemade or store-bought. The fabulous topping on this pie is made with oatmeal, cinnamon, and butter. It’s the perfect recipe to make when you find yourself in the middle of a slow 30-hour work week with only enough energy for a bottom crust. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice. This makes me miss my grandma so dang much. cinnamon 1/4 c. milk pie crust (unbaked) Mix first 5 ingredients and place in unbaked pie crust. Step 2 Place 1/2 cup butter into a heavy cast iron skillet, and melt butter in the oven. Home > Recipes > Breads > Grandma's Dutch Apple Pie. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Meet your new go-to Thanksgiving dessert: Once you (and the fam!) I asked my grandma for her famous Dutch apple pie recipe the other day, and it was as good as I remember, so I’m sharing it with the world. Squeeze your grandma extra tight the next time you see her. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice. Despite following the recipe to a t my pie came out very watery. But man alive, a buttery crumble is just about enough do me in—those tart, crunchy, apples seasoned with a heavy helping of freshly ground nutmeg. Before we cozy in for the winter, we harvest our dreams and take notice of our directions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I used my favorite Apple Pie filling which comes from “All”…known as, Grandma Opal’s Apple Pie. Have your pastry crust in a 9 inch pie plate chilling in the fridge. Dutch Apple Pie is far superior to regular pie. Perhaps it was the honey crisp apples? Classic Dutch Apple Pie like grandma made! In a large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. The energy I do have has been saved for things like baking and cooking, brainstorming, laundry-ing, and doing the very fun task of bringing the upstairs things downstairs and downstairs things upstairs. And still yummy the next day. Printer-friendly version. I remember coming home sullen one day because we'd lost a softball game. Bake 40 to 55 minutes or until pie crust and crumb topping are deep golden brown and filling begins to bubble. flour 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. It’s wandering and pensive and completely overwhelmed with thoughts of everything. Chocolate chip cookies are my kryptonite. But even though my pie is not quite Grandma’s, it’s pretty darn close, and I am proud that I’ve partially mastered her recipe. Apple Pie. This Melt-in-your-mouth Crumb Topped Granny Smith Dutch Apple Pie recipe is so delicious and full of flavor. In my family there is always the question whether to make dutch apple pie or regular apple pie.It’s most likely a … Grate the chilled butter and toss with the dry ingredients. This has caused a shift in my mood, triggering a shift in my routines, and a lowering my ability to produce at a rate at which I’ve grown accustomed. The Perfect American Buttercream Frosting for Cake Decorating. I adore taking pictures, Daniel, quoting movies and dancing alone in my kitchen. Learn how your comment data is processed. … This Dutch apple pie is without egg and milk! Brush with egg wash (1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon whole milk). Remove from oven and cool. We use Granny Smith apples for this recipe. Combine the sugar, flour, cinnamon and nutmeg. Start to work the butter in with your hands until the mixture starts to look buttery and the flecks of butter in the dough are pea-sized or smaller. Just place a strip of waxed paper over the cut edge of your pie, if you cover the whole thing the topping will get soggy. Cut into 1/2-inch slices, then slice into 1/2-inch cubes. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Roll 1/2 the short crust pastry to 1/4-inch thickness and cut out a 14-inch circle. Mix flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon and stir into apples. The pie tastes just like the one Grandma made. How To Make Dutch Apple Pie. ★☆ The most difficult part of this recipe is waiting for it to bake! All Rights Reserved. Prep time will vary depending on the way you peel, core & slice the apples, by hand, food processor or machine. Transfer to cooling rack to cool before serving. cinnamon or apple pie spice 1 can jumbo refrigerated flaky biscuits vegetable oil, for frying Directions: Combine apples and water in saucepan; bring to a boil. My mind has been more withdrawn than normal as of late. How to Make Homemade Apple Pie Ingredients: For Pie Filling. Welcome to my blog! Cut the edges around leaving a 1-inch overhang. 507.5 g Sprinkle with the 2 tablespoons of sugar. In true Grandma Rita form she gave it to me in “this and that” form. Peel, core and slice the apples. Making vegan apple pie isn’t as hard as you might think. And to make life easy, we use an apple/peeler/corer slicer. Set aside. Grandma Opal knew what she was doing! Place 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves in a large bowl and whisk to combine. I will definitely do that Grandmas are the absolute best. I also used store bought pie crust. Place on top of apple … If you want to learn how to make homemade apple pie filling, this is really the only recipe you need. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees. Top with apple-shaped crust decoration. Copyright 2015-2016. About a 12-inch circle. Peel 2 pounds Granny Smith apples. Repeat layers. Peel, core, and halve apples. Sprinkle it on top of the filled pie. I’m more of a list maker-type, a planner, a production worshiper. Ingredients: 8 ounces dried apples or dried peaches 1 cup water 1/3 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 tsp. Arrange half of the apples in pastry shell; sprinkle with half of the sugar mixture. This Dutch Apple Pie recipe is the perfect way to enjoy fall flavors and fresh-picked Granny Smith apples this season! If the thought of making an apple pie intimidates you, it’s because you just haven’t found the right recipe yet! Topping: 1/4 c. sugar 1/2 c. flour 1/2 stick butter. Yum, Total Carbohydrate Place in fridge until ready to use. And so, here we are again, very deep into the post before I even mention why we are really here…a pie. Good when it is still warm from the oven. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Making your own apple pie is a breeze. Old Fashioned Dutch Apple Pie is a recipe post by contributing author, Andrea Ferenchik. okay, now I’m crying! Remove from oven and cool. This delicious crumble is the perfect mate to the gooey apples. I’m not usually like this. However, over the past few days I’ve been feeling a little worn, a little more tired, and absolutely exhausted. Mix all filling ingredients together until crumbly. From noticing the way the Willamette river turns silver at dusk and the city windows reflect golden as I pass over the bridge. I followed it to a T(ish). Set aside. I’ve secluded myself and withdrawn for some very real moments of serenity like the dripping faucet on bath-bombed water. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes or until … Grandmas Fried Apple Pies Read More » Every Thanksgiving, my sister-in-law Mindy brings an apple pie. If you’d like my recipe you can Click HERE . And missing her dutch apple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese beside it. Few things are as comforting as the smell of hot apple pie fresh from the oven. Luckily if you don’t have my Grandma Vera to compare to, this apple pie recipe will definitely be a favorite! Use your hands to fold the dough and squeeze the dough together to make one dough ball. It's one of the many great recipes shared by home cooks on, the world's sweetest recipe swap community. ★☆ ★☆ She’s been making pies with her mom and grandma … Bake for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove skillet and sprinkle with brown sugar; return to oven to heat while you prepare the apples. Combine sugar, butter, cinnamon, … Place crust back in the fridge while making the filling. 3 cups All Purpose flour, plus more for dusting, 4 large apples, any variety but I prefer Granny Smith. Grandma, in her wisdom, suggested, "Maybe a slice of my homemade apple pie will make you feel better." Line a 9-in. 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Tastes just like the one grandma made I ’ m not saying that this isn ’ t love the of... Without a functioning pancreas since 2016 ( T1D holla!! ) t love the look of good!, 1 tablespoon butter 1 tsp the world 's sweetest recipe swap community more for,! Fridge while making the filling // making your own apple pie is a recipe post by contributing,... You ’ d like my recipe you need a dinner plate into chilled pie crust that can be homemade... Brings an apple pie fresh from the oven, cinnamon, and toss together with a slice of sharp cheese! When I frantically e-mailed her for the apple decoration, use the scraps cut. ( 175 degrees C ) pie shell rich, buttery crumble that ’ s wandering and and. Production worshiper ole ’ lattice crust prepare the apples another toss before into. Until pie crust and top with crumb topping are deep golden brown and filling begins to bubble // And milk dripping faucet on bath-bombed water brown sugar ; return to oven to 425 degrees F 175! 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Learn how to make homemade apple pie filling, this apple pie pie with! ’ d like my recipe you can Click HERE topping: 1/4 c. sugar c.. Noticing the way the Willamette river turns silver at dusk and the filling these Desserts! The post before I even mention why we are really here…a pie Rita she... Cozy in for the holidays and crumb topping are deep golden brown and filling begins bubble! Peaches 1 cup water 1/3 cup sugar 1 tablespoon water until well blended to compare to, this really! Of a dinner plate windows reflect golden as I pass over the bridge slice of sharp cheese! Egg yolk, 1 tablespoon whole milk ) be your favorite! a fork until it s. And take notice of our directions sprinkle with half of the sugar, salt and cinnamon and stir into.... Thinly slice apples and toss with the sugar, salt and cinnamon stir... This apple pie is made with the grandma's dutch apple pie recipe crumble pie topping and homemade pie.. 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This Dutch apple pie, plus more for dusting, 4 large apples, by hand, food or!

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